Wine Tasting Etiquette Quandry

Since I've to a number of tasting room recently, I've come up against a bit of a sticky issue. Very often, the tasting room attendants will ask the question "So what do you think about that wine that you just had?"
Sometimes I can answer both honestly and positively, "That was excellent, I really liked the blah blah blah, etc."
But sometimes the wine that they ask about does not taste good and/or have redeeming qualities. What's the proper way to answer? I see three potential options:

1) Be completely and bluntly honest. One of the first times I ever went wine tasting I went with my buddy Cal. Cal would take a sip of wine, make a disgusted face, and say "I do not like!" directly to the attendant (in his thick Syrian accent). This can be hilarious and frank, but more often uncomfortable.

2) Admit that you didn't like it but blame yourself for not liking it. This would be something like saying "This seems like it's really good quality, I just don't like Syrahs." In instances this works well, but not very helpful when you have to come up with excuses for not liking all of the wines that are being poured.

3) Lie like there's no tomorrow. Act as though you enjoyed every last drop. Honestly this is my go to technique. No matter what the winery's size or style is, they are in the business of making people happy, so it's easier to act as though they've accomplished their goal. Though I can't help feeling disingenuous when I do it.

So my question is - how do you handle this? Blunt honestly, deferred blame, or outright lie? Or perhaps something else? I'm certainly open to new ideas, so lay them on me.

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